Cruel Husband Shames Wife’s Baby Weight, Uncovers Heartbreaking Diary After She’s Hospitalized

Man Mocks Wife for Gaining Weight after Giving Birth, Finds Her Diary after She’s Hospitalized — Story of the Day One day, a man makes fun of his wife for gaining weight after delivering twins, but he learns his mistake when she passes out and needs to be taken to the hospital.Lisa Thompson had always juggled work and housework like a pro, ever since she could remember. She was an accountant for one of the biggest companies in Santa Clara, California, and nobody could ever tell that her demanding 9 to 5 job had taken a toll on Lisa’s home.

She’d rise at five in the morning, make herself and her husband Chad breakfast, leave for work on schedule, and get home in time to start preparing dinner. Chad had offered the same level of support and had often helped out around the house. However, once Lisa had baby, things began to shift. Following numerous years of hoping for a child, Lisa’s pregnancy test eventually revealed two lines after Chad and Lisa were blissfully married for three years. Undoubtedly, the couple was ecstatic! Lisa accepted the job of a housewife after giving birth, deciding to take a sabbatical from work to spend more time with her children. Although she perceived it as a chance to spend time with her kids, Chad called it “laziness.”Don’t pass judgment on someone too quickly. “Lisa, all you do is relax on that couch. At the very least, begin exercising! Take a peek at the weight you gained following your pregnancy! You won’t get hurt by dropping a few pounds!” He used to tease her a lot.\Although Lisa was frequently unhappy and depressed over Chad’s lack of appreciation for her role as a stay-at-home mother, she chose to overlook it because she assumed he was too busy being upset about all the problems at work. Regretfully, she started to sense that Chad was genuinely growing disinterested in her and their union. She observed that he didn’t seem to value or assist her in any way, and if she recommended they spend time together, he would simply sidestep the topic and go to bed. Lisa confronted him one day after deciding she had to speak with him before it was too late.“Honey, I understand you’ve been preoccupied with work lately, but we agreed not to keep anything from each other,” she said gently. “I’ve noticed that something’s bothering you recently.” Chad gave a shrug. “Lisa, nothing at all like that. “Everything is well,” he said, unaffected, his eyes glued to his laptop. “Chad, are you sure? Well, I have observed…”“Noticed what, Lisa?” Chad gave her a scream. Would you kindly allow me to work quietly? You have to stick your nose in everything, why? Make the most of your energies and take some time to groom yourself. How recently have you examined yourself in the mirror?” Lisa almost had tears in her eyes. “Chad!” “What? Will you cry now and paint me as the terrible guy in this situation? Yes, by all means! Either way, I don’t think this is worth continuing! After glancing at your buddies, examine yourself. How come you can’t just become in shape? He got up and asked, “Tell me one thing. “Are you intentionally causing me to leave you by doing all of this? Behind my back, are you seeing someone else? Oh, where do you usually vanish early in the morning? And you stay away until after I wake up.”“Chad, are you serious? Do you believe that I’m betraying you?” “Lisa, how would I know? Perhaps you’ve come to the conclusion that we won’t last. You sit around the house since you no longer desire to work. You claim you want to take care of our kids, but I think that’s just a cover story to let you live a life of luxury at home. No, even though we could afford a babysitter! ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SLEEP AT HOME AND OVEREAT TO GAIN WEIGHT! Okay, carry out that action.” He yelled as he walked out. Lisa was unable to speak. As Chad left without even acknowledging her, she started crying. He didn’t hurry out of the room until it was late. There was a loud thumping sound that interrupted him from his laptop work. Thinking it was coming from the room with their twins, he dashed out and found Lisa unconscious on the floor. “Lisa! He tried to get her attention by asking, “What’s wrong?” He quickly called 911 and took her to the hospital when she failed to wake up.After letting their neighbor, Mrs. Clemments, watch the twins while he was gone, he left late at night and came home. The doctors told him Lisa had collapsed because she was frail and under stress. With his hands buried in his face, Chad slumped into the bed, reflecting on how he had reacted angrily against Lisa. Perhaps I was a bit too severe this time! Oh no, why are things getting so out of control? And how could the physicians claim she was feeble? Has she not been sleeping at home during this time? Chad sighed and got up to start making the bed. < Just as he was removing the blanket, a diary fell open and hit the ground. He was drawn in by a few lines there. When he took it up, he saw that it was Lisa’s private journal. At first, Chad thought it was wrong to read someone else’s writing, but his curiosity overcame him. He turned to the first page, which described the birth of their twins, Lucas and Charlie. Hello, PD!You are the only owner of it! There’s never been a finer day to become buddies than this one. You have no idea how thrilled I am at the moment!

I’M A MOM AT LAST! God, you are really appreciated! I just can’t put into words how wonderful holding my babies felt. All I want is to be a good mother. Oh, and I noticed that Chad seemed really emotional after seeing the babies. I’m sure he could outdo me in terms of parenting skills, but I’ll love my children to the point where they’ll side with their mother, hehe! For a moment, Chad turned page after page, his lips quivering in a smile, and forgot about everything that had been hurting him. Lisa had written down almost everything she had done for their twins, along with her feelings of happiness thereafter. But his attention was drawn to one page in particular, and the smile on his face disappeared. Hello, PDI’m feeling so depressed right now. I’m not sure if I did something incorrectly, but Chad feels incredibly distant these days. I’m saying… He’s still playing with the babies the way he always did, but it feels like we’re getting further apart. Shall I speak with Chad? Perhaps it’s just what he does. Perhaps it’s just the stress, as he works for the entire family. I’m hoping for quick improvement.Curious, Chad turned to the next page, and a sense of shame passed through him. Hello, PD I…I have no idea what to do! Is Chad wishing to part from me? He mentioned something that I never would have thought he would! He made fun of my appearance and didn’t even give me an opportunity to defend myself! I’m really cognizant of myself. Is Chad truly losing interest in women? I should talk to him, but I’m not sure how.Is that a wise decision? Chad turned page after page, and each time he read more, it made him regret how he had been treating Lisa for so long. Hello, PD I had this great notion to cut back on my weight! When I tried yoga and meditation earlier, Chad assumed that I wasn’t interested in losing weight. He’s too preoccupied to notice my attempts, which is why. I promise to shed some pounds and surprise Chad on our wedding anniversary. Just wait and see. I recently learned from my buddy Tina that there is a gym where you can lose weight in just one week! Gosh! I can’t wait!He went to the next page and dried his eyes.Hello, PD! I apologize for the hiatus in my writing. I’m really worn out right now! I get calls from those gym personnel early in the morning. They supplied me with vitamins, and their diet is ridiculous! After eating the raw food they advised, I feel queasy, and Chad—ugh—he never stops making fun of me. I’m over this whole thing, really. I’m not sure whether I can handle this much longer. At this moment, Chad couldn’t help but feel bad. Was I so delusional that I failed to see her efforts? And Chad, why in the world did you have to make fun of her? She’s your spouse, the Lisa you cherished dearly! Chad, you have to make it up to her. It will be necessary for you to! And Chad followed his resolve. The following day, he delighted Lisa by bringing her favorite flowers in a bouquet and a letter that said, “Get well soon, honey!” when he visited her in the hospital. I miss you and the kids do! With you, home doesn’t feel like home. Lisa became a little upset after getting the card and flowers because Chad hadn’t done anything particularly nice for her in a long time. She murmured, “Thank you, Chad,” her tears welling up. “I – I…”Lisa, you don’t have to say anything. I said things I shouldn’t have and I was harsh to you. I apologize! Any criticism I made about your appearance was completely unfounded because you are already stunning! For expressing all of that, I am a jerk!” Adding, he gave her a hug. “Ah, Chad. She returned his hug with a mumbled, “It’s-It’s fine.”“Lisa, I promise to work on improving myself. I swear,” he said to her.Chad surprised Lisa with a candlelight dinner date after she was discharged from the hospital and went back home. A calm love song was playing in the background as the entire area was exquisitely decorated. He poured her wine and moved a chair open for her. “So, Mrs. Lisa Thompson, would you like to dance with me?” he requested after getting down on his knees. Lisa nodded, and they locked eyes and gave one other a deep kiss. Chad had completely changed as a man since that day, and Lisa was astounded by how one evening could have such a profound impact. In addition to helping her out with everything and taking her to the movies on the weekends, he most importantly informed her, “I love you for who you are, honey.”Lisa continues to work out, but she has stopped following fad diets that promise rapid weight loss. Rather, she is focusing on improving her health. What lessons may we draw from this tale? Recognize people for who they are rather than what they appear like. Having forgotten why he had fallen in love with Lisa in the first place, Chad began making fun of her weight gain following her pregnancy. At its core, true beauty exists. Chad didn’t realize Lisa was a fantastic wife and mother until he read her private journal.

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