Woman Finds an Engagement Ring in Her BF’s Belongings, Week Later She Sees It on Her Friend’s Hand — Story of the Day

Natalie had lived with her boyfriend Nathan for years, but he felt more distant than ever. During a simple cleaning of the house, she found an engagement ring in his clothes. Her excitement turned to shock when she saw it on her friend Megan’s finger. The fiancé’s name? Nathan.Natalie was standing at the door, watching her boyfriend, Nathan, get ready to leave for work. The morning sun cast a warm glow through the window, highlighting the tension in the air. Nathan was busy putting on his shoes and adjusting his tie when he finally looked up. “I’ll be late today,”

Nathan said, his voice flat and distant.”Another late night at work? You’ve been working so much lately,” Natalie replied, her concern evident in her tone. She couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes and the weary slump of his shoulders. “Darling, you know these are tough times,” Nathan sighed, running a hand through his hair. His eyes darted around, avoiding direct contact with hers.”We spend so little time together. Maybe you could take a vacation?” she suggested hopefully, trying to catch his gaze and connect with him. “Maybe… I’ll think about it. But I really need to go now. Bye,” Nathan said hurriedly, grabbing his briefcase and heading towards the door. “Wait, don’t forget your lunch. I love you,” Natalie called after him, holding out a brown paper bag she had carefully packed with his favorite snacks.”Thanks,” he replied, taking the bag without much enthusiasm and walking out the door. He didn’t turn back or offer a goodbye kiss, leaving Natalie standing there, feeling a mix of sadness and confusion. As the door closed behind him, Natalie felt a pang of disheartenment. Nathan’s lack of affection and distant behavior weighed heavily on her heart. To distract herself from these thoughts, she decided to clean the house. She picked up a dust cloth and started with the living room, then moved on to the kitchen, and finally, the bedroom.In the bedroom, she noticed a pile of Nathan’s clothes on the chair. She had asked him numerous times to put them away, but he always seemed to forget.With a sigh, she began folding the clothes and putting them in the dresser. As she lifted a pair of pants, a small box fell out of the pocket and landed on the floor with a soft thud. Curious, Natalie picked up the box. It was small and velvet, resembling a ring box. Her heart skipped a beat as she carefully opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring, sparkling under the soft bedroom light. A smile spread across her face, and her eyes welled up with tears of joy.Closing the box gently, she put it back in the pants pocket and placed the pants in the dresser. She didn’t want Nathan to know she had found the ring.She could barely contain her excitement, imagining that after five years of dating, Nathan had finally decided to propose. She wanted to keep the surprise intact and not spoil what could be one of the happiest moments of her life. With a renewed sense of hope, she continued her cleaning, her mind buzzing with thoughts of a future together.In the evening, Nathan returned home to a luxurious dinner that Natalie had prepared for him. The aroma of roasted chicken and freshly baked bread filled the air, and soft candlelight flickered across the spotless, clean house. Natalie had even set the table with their best china and a bottle of his favorite wine.”Welcome back, darling,” Natalie greeted him warmly, her face lighting up with a hopeful smile. “What’s this?” Nathan asked, pointing to the beautifully set table, his brow furrowing in confusion.”I thought you’d be hungry after work, and it’s an opportunity for us to spend some time together over a romantic dinner,” Natalie said playfully, trying to lift his spirits. “Darling, I told you I’d be late. I’m really tired,” Nathan replied, looking weary as he loosened his tie. “Just eat something, and then we can go to bed,” Natalie suggested, her voice gentle and coaxing.”I’m not hungry. I ate at work,” Nathan said, taking off his coat and heading to the bedroom without another word. Natalie watched him go, puzzled by his behavior. Why was he ignoring her and growing distant if he was planning to propose? Maybe he was nervous? Afraid of such a big step? This thought reassured Natalie a little, but the doubt lingered in her mind as she sat down alone at the elegantly set table, her appetite gone. A week later, Natalie was meeting her friend Megan at a cozy café in the heart of the city. The café was bustling with people, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries filling the air. Natalie and Megan found a quiet corner, away from the crowd, and sat down with their lattes.”I was so surprised when you called and invited me out. We haven’t seen each other in half a year?” Megan exclaimed, taking a sip of her latte and smiling warmly at Natalie. “Sorry, I know I’ve been a bad friend. I’ve been so busy with house chores. I really need your help and advice,” Natalie admitted, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. She looked tired and stressed, a far cry from her usual self. “What happened?” Megan asked, her voice full of concern as she leaned in closer.”A week ago, I found a ring in my boyfriend’s things,” Natalie revealed, her voice barely above a whisper.”Congratulations! When’s the wedding?” Megan asked excitedly, her eyes lighting up with joy for her friend. “That’s the thing, he still hasn’t proposed. I don’t understand why he’s hesitating; he already bought the ring,” Natalie said, confusion and frustration evident in her tone. “Maybe he’s scared. Don’t worry. You won’t believe what I’m about to tell you! What a coincidence!” Megan exclaimed, her excitement building.”Coincidence? What do you mean?” Natalie asked, intrigued and slightly confused by Megan’s enthusiasm. “I’m getting married! I was proposed to! Maybe we could have a double wedding? Haha, just kidding,” Megan laughed, holding out her hand to show off a sparkling ring.”Congratulations! Sorry, I have no idea who the lucky guy is,” Natalie said, trying to muster a smile while feeling a mix of emotions inside. “Well, I haven’t seen your guy either. It’s been so long since we’ve talked,” Megan said, showing off her ring with pride. “Look at this beauty!”Natalie’s face went pale. It was the same ring she had found in Nathan’s things. Her heart began to race as she tried to process what she was seeing. “What’s your fiancé’s name?” Natalie asked, her voice trembling, dreading the answer she was about to hear. “His name? Nathan. We’ve been dating for less than six months. He’s wonderful,” Megan replied, her eyes sparkling with happiness.”Nathan!?” Natalie exclaimed, her voice louder than she intended, drawing a few curious glances from nearby tables.a”He proposed to me right in the restaurant. It was cliché, but so sweet. Everyone applauded us,” Megan gushed, oblivious to Natalie’s growing distress. “My Nathan!?” Natalie shouted, unable to contain her shock and disbelief. “Your…?” Megan asked, confused and beginning to feel a knot of worry in her stomach. “That’s my boyfriend! That’s the ring I found!” Natalie cried, tears welling up in her eyes.”What? Are you sure? Do you have a photo?” Megan asked, shocked and desperate for clarification. Natalie shakily took out her phone and showed a photo of Nathan. Megan’s face turned pale as she looked at the picture. “That’s him… So you two broke up?” Megan asked, bewildered and struggling to understand. “No! We live together!” Natalie exclaimed, the realization hitting both of them like a ton of bricks.”Now it makes sense why he rarely stayed the night and never invited me over,” Megan said, understanding dawning on her face.

Her excitement turned to anger and betrayal.”How could you!?” Natalie demanded, her voice trembling with a mix of anger and sadness. “Natalie, I had no idea,” Megan said, feeling horrified and guilty for not knowing the truth. “What do I do now?” Natalie asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.”What do WE do? I’m not marrying this liar,” Megan declared firmly. “I have an idea…” Megan leaned in, her eyes narrowing with determination. She whispered her plan to Natalie, who nodded slowly, a spark of hope and resolve returning to her eyes. That evening, Nathan returned home to find Natalie waiting for him at the entrance. The living room was dimly lit, and the atmosphere was tense. Natalie had been pacing back and forth, her mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming confrontation.”Hi, darling. How was work?” Natalie asked, trying to keep her composure. She forced a smile, but her eyes betrayed her true emotions. “Hi, very tough day. I stayed late again, just got back,” Nathan said, looking worn out. He dropped his bag by the door and loosened his tie, avoiding eye contact. “So, you were at work?” Natalie asked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she scrutinized his reaction.”Yes, where else?” Nathan replied defensively, sensing something off in her tone. “Interesting. I called your boss, Mr. Peterson. He said you called in sick and weren’t at work today,” Natalie said, her voice cold and steady. “Why did you call him? He’s mistaken. I told him I wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t come in tomorrow. I made it up so I could spend time with you,” Nathan explained, trying to cover his tracks. His voice wavered slightly, betraying his nervousness.”How interesting, this sudden burst of thoughtfulness,” Natalie said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She crossed her arms, her gaze piercing through him.”Well, actually, I was planning to do this tomorrow, but I guess there’s no point in hiding it now…” Nathan said, getting down on one knee and pulling out the ring. His hands shook slightly as he held it up. “Natalie, I love you more than anything in the world. Will you marry me?””So unexpected, but no!” Natalie replied firmly, her voice unwavering. “What? Why?” Nathan asked, shocked and dismayed. He remained on his knee, the ring still in his hand. “Because you’re proposing with the same ring for the second time, or maybe even the third,” Natalie said angrily. Her eyes blazed with fury.”What are you talking about?” Nathan asked, his confusion turned to panic. He stood up, backing away slightly.”You’ll understand in a moment,” Natalie said as the door opened, and Megan walked in, her expression a mix of anger and determination. “Not expecting this, sweetheart?” Megan addressed Nathan, her voice cold and firm. “I don’t know who this girl is. Don’t believe her! I can explain everything!” Nathan stammered, trying desperately to salvage the situation. “I’m done with your lies. Get out of my house,” Natalie commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.”Please, Natalie, don’t do this. I can explain!” Nathan pleaded, his eyes wide with fear and desperation. “Oh, and by the way, you might want to call Mr. Peterson. He was very surprised to learn how many of your recent illnesses were actually dates with Megan,” Natalie said, her tone icy and unforgiving. “What? You told him!?” Nathan asked, horrified. His face turned pale as the reality of his situation sank in. “Not just me. Megan was with me,” Natalie replied playfully, a hint of satisfaction in her voice.”Yes, and I heard something about firing this deceitful jerk, didn’t he say?” Megan added, her tone ironic. She crossed her arms and stared him down, enjoying his discomfort. “Yes, something like that,” Natalie nodded with a smirk. She stepped closer to the door, ready to end this once and for all. “Goodbye, Nathan,” Natalie said, as she closed the door in his face. Nathan stood outside, stunned and defeated, the weight of his actions crashing down on him. He realized too late that not valuing what he had could cost him everything. The lesson was harsh, but it was one he would never forget.Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

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