I Found Out That the Guy My Wife Is Cheating on Me with Is Covering Half of Our Bills — I Outplayed Them Both

When I discovered my wife’s affair, I saw an opportunity instead of heartbreak. Little did I know that my plan to cash in on her infidelity would lead me down a path of moral ambiguity, forcing me to confront the true cost of freedom.I knew Claire was cheating on me. It wasn’t hard to figure out with all the late-night texts, sudden work trips, and secretive phone calls. But I didn’t confront her. Hell, I didn’t even feel anything for her after I found out. We’d been married for so long, I didn’t have any feelings left. The problem was, I was scared of a divorce because it would ruin me financially. I relied on her big salary to keep things afloat.

She was covering our apartment, insurance, groceries, everything. So, I just gritted my teeth and pretended everything was fine. One day, while doing laundry, I found this crumpled credit card receipt from some fancy restaurant in her jeans pocket. The name on it? Alex M—. Suddenly, things made sense. I knew the guy. He was her father’s friend, who I’d seen a few times at her dad’s birthday parties. I remembered Alex from those gatherings.

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